Wednesday, February 29, 2012


A sketch of patrons in the main hall of the Hofbräuhaus. Felt tip marker on paper, 5" by 7" original size, drawn on site, February, 1972.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Now for a change of venue. Drawing of patrons in the main hall of the Hofbräuhaus. Felt tip marker on paper, approximately 5" by 7" original size, drawn on site, February, 1972.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


A sketch of patrons in a café in Versailles. Dry felt tip marker on paper, approximately 6" by 9" original size, done February, 1972.

Another sketch of patrons in a café in Versailles. Dry felt tip marker on paper, 6" by 6" original size, done February, 1972.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Café Bar

Sketch of a bar in a café in Versailles. Dry marker on paper, approximately 6" by 9", done February, 1972. Looking over all of my sketches for this time period, I have noticed that my style of drawing varies a lot. Sometimes the linework is confident and at other times, as in this drawing and subsequent drawings I will post, it is more feathery and tentative, especially when drawing people. For the most part though, I have always considered myself to be a deliberative sketcher.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rue de Montreuil

Although this sketch is spare in detail, it exudes the feeling of France for me. A storefront along a street in the neighborhood where I used to live. 6" by 9" original size, felt tip marker and dry marker on paper, done January, 1972.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bosquets de Versailles

"No water so still as the dead fountains of Versailles." So wrote Marianne Moore in her 1935 poem, "No Swan So Fine." A sketch of a still fountain in the gardens of the palace of Versailles. Felt tip marker on tracing paper, approximately 6' by 9" original size, done October, 1971.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Petites Écuries

A pencil sketch on paper of a sculptural keystone medallion at a window arch on the façade of the Petites Écuries, Versailles. 6" by 8" original size of drawing, done in January, 1972.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Petites Écuries

A concept sketch for an art exhibition in the Petites Écuries (former royal stables) across from the Palace of Versailles. The concept involved suspended cubes in the main hall, open at the top and the bottom, mirrored on the outside, with art objects mounted on the inside; and the art viewed from within the cubes. Felt tip marker on tracing paper, approximately 12" by 12" original size, done in January, 1972. The stables were the location of Unité Pédagogique No. 3, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, the architecture school I attended in France.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


View of a monastery church near Burgos, along the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela. An unfinished watercolor from sketch notes taken on site. Original size: approximately 12" by 18", December, 1971.

Friday, February 17, 2012


More of Èze. Felt tip marker on paper, 7" by 10" original size, December, 1971.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Back to Èze. A pencil sketch on paper, 7" by 10" original size, December, 1971.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hilltop Retreat

A vacation home project on a hilltop, not of the Èze variety, but more like the Illinois variety. The drawings, an elevation and section, were done using Google SketchUp in 2005.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Another view of Èze. Pencil on paper, approximately 7" by 10" original size. Drawn on site, December, 1971.

Monday, February 13, 2012


My old Michelin green guide calls Èze, "étrange village isolé en nid d'aigle sur son piton qui domine la mer de 427 m, constitue un site de premier ordre," "[a] strange isolated eagle's nest village on its peak dominating the sea at 1383 ft., constituting a site of the first order." It is located along the Moyenne Corniche, midway between Nice and Monaco. The pencil sketch on paper here is approximately 7" by 10" original size, drawn on site in December, 1971.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Another view of Vence. The upper illustration is approximately 7" by 10", pencil on paper, drawn on site, December, 1971. The lower illustration of the same subject, done in a more abstract style later, is felt tip marker on paper. If the scenes of Vence appear that the town was deserted of people, it was, in fact, not. But the sketches were done in early afternnon, when people activity was more subdued.


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